SMEs Affordable Advertising Solution

Sansadhan Business Directory & Yellow Pages have come in practice to provide Reliable Advertising Solution to Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) of India. Online Advertising is expensive and Small Setup enterprises can not afford pay per click model of Google and Social Media Platforms to reach up to targeted audiences. SMEs Can Not dispense Rs.25000-Rs.100000 in advertising however advertising of business is necessary to get new customers. Sometime fix monthly cost of these enterprises viz. Salary, Rent, Bills, Transport, EMIs etc is more than 90% of there monthly profits. Owner of these businesses continually remain hand to mouth even after a business of ten to twenty years.

We at Sansadhan Business Directory & Yellow Pages help such organizations to grow their sales by new customers easily. Sansadhan Business Directory & Yellow Pages setup there business in very low setup cost and their online presence remains active lifetime without paying any advertising cost. However they can plan for a affordable advertising on monthly basis or annually basis to build business and profit. SMEs can get 100% times better ROI in advertising and marketing their product & services. Join Now today for a big miracle

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