What is Wall Putty? What are the advantages of using wall putty?

What is Wall Putty? What are the advantages of using wall putty?

Wall Putty is a fine white powder composed of white cement, polymers, and a variety of other substances. It is applied to walls before painting to:  

  • Level out rough spots.  
  • Seal fissures and gaps.  
  • Improve adherence to the paint.

Advantages of Wall Putty Application
1. Elimination of Surface Imperfections  
  • Surface imperfections that may exist after the use of wall putty have made it easier to get a polished surface and are ideal for painting.  
2. Greater Strength  
  • Strength of walls is greatly enhanced using wall putty and offers protection from flaking and peeling.   
3. Moisture Proof  
  • With wall putty of high quality, the walls are kept free from moisture and dampness.
4. Economical
  • It is a cost-effective solution because paint consumption is reduced as wall putty increases paint adherence.
5. Flexibility
  • Work is less strenuous because the quality of walls can be guaranteed for inside and outside the house.