Divine Heal as the name indicates is spiritual healing platform for healing body mind and spirit and started by Osho sanyasini Ma Anubhuti full time in 2018 and part time from last five years. She is bhuddism follower from last twenty years AND also great admirer of Osho teachings and followed her life on his thoughts and started serving humanity with Reiki and moved on to many other areas of wellness n concious living. Divine Heal is now serving people from all parts of the world through various distance healing modalities. We also do mental health therapy by touch called access bars! Anubhuti personally counsel on different issues and psychic reader too and cure people with lots of patience n depth of the issue by different modes depending on the issue of the clients.
Vision of this platform is to caters to everyone who are not able to find solutions to there problems and looking to rejuvenate n live totally new way and bring new dimension in alternative therapies correct knowledge of OSHO TANTRA and power of osho meditations.