CNG is Available in All Parts of Delhi & NCR on CNG Filling Stations. CNG Rates Per KG is between Rs.38 to Rs.45 Only. However, Petrol Costs from Rs.68 to Rs.80 Per Litre
Mileage on One Liter Petrol of a Car = 15 KM (General)
Then Mileage of Car on CNG = 15 + 20% = 18 KM/KG
Cost Difference = Rs. 20 Per Unit (35% Extra Saving on Fuel ) & 20% Extra on Mileage makes it about 55% Extra KM on same expense on Fuel
Hence CNG is an Economical Fuel and can save up to 55% Fuel Cost when you Drive a car on CNG.
If you run 50 KM Per Day you can save Rs.3000 per Month on Fuel and if you run 100 KM Per Day you can Save Rs.6000 Per month on fuel cost
You Cost of CNG Kits shall be returned to you back in fuel-saving in a few months only. Install today the best CNG kits in your car and make
- Saving on Fuel
- Saves Life & Environment
- Participate in Breath Healthy & Feel Healthy Movement by S.K. Motors