CNG Cylinder Hydro Testing

CNG Cylinder Hydro Testing, CNG Cylinder Testing, CNG Cylinder Testing Services, CNG Cylinder Testing Price, CNG Cylinder Testing Company
What Is The Procedure Of CNG Cylinder Testing?
As we all know, CNG cylinder testing is mandatory. As per government guidelines, testing must be done every three years. The Pearl CNG Cylinder Testing in Delhi is done under the guidelines of the Petroleum & Safety Department.

What Is The Useful Life Of A CNG Cylinder?
  • The most reliable way to determine the useful life of a cylinder is to check its expiry date.
  • As per the natural gas vehicle standard, the useful life of a CNG cylinder is 15-20 years. Still, the useful life of the cylinder depends on the number of years it has been certified for
  • Signs Which Indicates The Replacement Of CNG Cylinders
  • CNG cylinders do not require regular replacement. However, if you feel it is damaged or rust appears on the tank surface. The conditions are critical for the replacement of the cylinders.
  • Check For The Following Indications:-
  • Any damage or rust on the surface of the tank. If the tank has a neckless design then check the neck or the valve mounting area.
  • Examine the status of the valve, as bent tubing or marred surfaces, may indicate the sustained impact.
  • Cheek for damage or failure, due to exposure to fire, cuts, over-pressurization by a defective station, corrosion from deicing salts, collision, and/or wear and tear.
  • Always trust a reliable company like Pearl CNG Cylinder Testing Company. Which is approved by Delhi Transport Authority. One can trust completely when it comes to CNG Cylinder Testing in Delhi.