RZ-37, Raghu Nagar, Pankha Road, Near Dabri, Opposite Janak Cinema
South West Delhi, Delhi-110045
Established : 2002

CNG Kit Price

CNG Kit Types for Car in Delhi, CNG Kit Delhi, CNG Kits Delhi, CNG Fitment Center in Delhi, CNG Kits Fitting Delhi, CNG Kit Price Delhi, Sequential CNG Kit Delhi, Sequential CNG Kit in Delhi
Best Sequential CNG Kit Brands: 
Tomasetto Achille, Lovato CNG Kit, BRC Kit, Landirenzo Kit, MSequents CNG Kit, Greco CNG Kit All brands are reputed one

Sequential Kits: 
Though its best to go for Fitment of Original OBD-2 Compliant CNG Kit which costs around Rs 55000 but in market Sequential CNG Kit costs in Range of Rs. 33,000 to 37,000 including Installation. Modern Age Engines are well compatible with Sequential CNG Kit

Conventional Kits (Closed Loop):- 
Conventional Kits are generally Economical and Closed Loop Kit costs in the range of Rs. 23000 - 27,000 including Installation. Recommended in Older Cars

Open Loop Kits:- 
Not Recommended for Fitment as pretty Outdated Technology

Additional Charges: 
Rest - Rs. 2000 - 3000- Registration Charges including RC Endorsement including Agent Commission for CNG Endorsement in RC. Add on Insurance Endorsement Premium of Rs 1200 - 1500.

CNG Car Owners - 
CNG Cylinder Compliance Certificate - every 3 yrs that their Kit is Complied with all norms without any leakage.

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Our Customer Review

“S.K. Motor is one of the Best CNG Fitment Center in West Delhi. I used to fit CNG Kit at S.K. Motors because rate of CNG Kit here is lower than in Market. They Provide most customer to lifetime warranty for all Fitting and do not charge for future repair.”
Star Rating Reviewed By : Sunil Chauhan, Delhi
“CNG kit fitted sk motors dabri mor more than 3 years very good service no problem in car ...proper guide gud technician staff.”
Star Rating Reviewed By : Ajay Kumar, Delhi
“Excellent seevices and fittiling of CNG is like company fitting. Lifetime of car any troublance will be entertain without any charges..”
Star Rating Reviewed By : Deepak Panwar, Delhi

Get in touch with us


RZ-37, Raghu Nagar, Pankha Road, Near Dabri, Opposite Janak Cinema, South West Delhi, Delhi-110045