Fashion Design One Year Foundation Program (After 10th)

1/2/3 Years Course

About The Course
  • Medium/Language of Course: English
  • Duration of course: 1/2/3 years
  • Eligibility: A pass in the 10th Examination.

Fashion Design - Ist Year
  • Fashion Foundation
  • Textile Fundamentals
  • Elementary Tailoring Technique
  • Fashion Figure Drawing
  • Indian Art and Appreciation
  • Surface Ornamentation

Fashion Design - IInd Year
  • Study and structure of apparel industry
  • Technical fashion sketches
  • Drafting and pattern making
  • Advance tailoring technique
  • Textiles and embroidery
  • Design process

Fashion Design - IIIrd Year
  • Couture tailoring
  • Creative embroideries and embellishments
  • Decorative fabrics & materials
  • Fashion concept and design development
  • Retail marketing and visual merchandising
  • Care renovation and finishing of textile
  • Promotional product development