POCSO for Educational Institutions

In our collective mission to safeguard the well-being of students and create a safe learning environment, we invite you to participate in our empowering awareness programs on the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) law.

The POCSO law is a critical legal framework designed to protect children from sexual abuse and exploitation. Our engaging and age-appropriate sessions aim to equip educators, students, and parents with a comprehensive understanding of the law is provisions and its importance in ensuring child safety.

Key Program Highlights

Expert-Led Sessions:

Facilitated by legal experts and child protection specialists, our sessions provide accurate and reliable information on POCSO law and its implications.

Child-Friendly Approach:

We ensure that our programs are delivered in a sensitive and child-friendly manner, enabling students to grasp the information while feeling safe to ask questions.

Teacher Training:

We offer specialized training for educators to recognize signs of abuse, respond appropriately, and ensure a supportive environment for students.

Parental Engagement:

Our programs include interactive sessions with parents to raise awareness about their role in protecting their children and reporting incidents of abuse.

Safe Reporting Mechanisms:

We educate on the importance of reporting abuse promptly and the available support systems for victims.


By participating in our POCSO awareness programs, your educational institution will:

  • Foster a safe and secure learning environment for students, free from the fear of abuse.
  • Strengthen child protection protocols, ensuring prompt action in case of any untoward incidents.
  • Empower students, educators, and parents to become proactive advocates for child safety.