S P Industries
 10796, Nabi Karim Jhandewallan Road, Central Delhi, Delhi-110055
 Established : 1965
  Rated: (5/5)  Write a Review

Pumping And Heating Unit

Pumping And Heating Unit Manufacturer in Delhi, Pumping And Heating Unit Supplier in Delhi
These are designed to supply fuel oil at pre-determined contant pressure and temperature to ensure efficient combustion. These compact units prevent undesirable variations in temperatures caused by heat loss and varying rates of oil flow in long oil lines from heaters located for away
Simplex Model SPH
One motorized rotary gear oil pumps one preheater and two simplex filters (one fitted in line, the other supplied loose to be fitted in putgoing)
Duplex Model DPH
Two motorized rotary gear oil pumps(one working and one standby), one preheater and two simplex filters(one fitted in line, the other supplied loose to be fitted in outgoing line)
Duplex Model DPDH
Two motorized rotary gear oil pumps and two preheaters (while one set of pumps and preheaters is operating, the other set acts as a standby) with in built three-way duplex filters

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Our Customer Review

“SP Industries is one of the best manufacturer Pumping and Heating Unit, Co-Axial Blowers, Central Dust Collection System, Rotary Melting Furnace, Air Pollution Control Systems, Custom Batch Ovens, Elevator Style Ovens, Reach-In Cabinet Ovens, Water Cooled Blowers, Dust Collectors, Paint Booth Air Pollution Control Devices. We are Completely rely on the SP Industries since 1970..”
Star Rating Reviewed By : R.S. Dixit, Delhi

Get in touch with us

  S P Industries

10796, Nabi Karim Jhandewallan Road, Central Delhi, Delhi-110055