Learn to be a self healer in Reiki Level 1
Reiki Level 1 course or First degree Reiki at Geeta Sharma FaithHealers is essentially an initiation into the awesome world of Reiki healing.
You learn the art of energy healing from the comforts of your home! Geeta Sharma Reiki Online Course is available in two firms:
- Live Online Course Via Zoom in English and Hindi Language both
- Pre-recorded video course in the Hindi Language. ( Reiki Attunement will be Live)
The level 1 program is scheduled as a weekend batch and late evenings on working days. To read the course details please scroll down.
- During Reiki for beginners course, energy channels open mainly on a physical level. Most notably, it results in connecting you to the universal life force energy.
- Reiki self-healing is a great immunity booster. Reiki healing has immense Benefits. It heals at the physical, mental, and spiritual levels simultaneously. So it can help you heal your health problems and becomes a need of the hour during this raging Covid 19 pandemic. Please note all medical treatment advised by your doctor must be followed all the time.
- Reiki for beginners or Reiki Level 1 targets your own self-healing. In other words, you become your own doctor at a physical and spiritual level.
Reiki Level 1 course layout at Geeta Sharma Reiki FaithHealers:
The History of Reiki: The course starts with knowing the history of Reiki and about Dr. Mikao Usui. We also explore the Indian Vedic roots of Reiki. You will learn how Prana Shakti or life force energy gets weakened and how Reiki balances its smooth flow.
Experiencing Reiki Energies: You will learn how Reiki energy works and its scientific basis. In fact, you will be able to experience healing energies running through you.
Preparation for Reiki attunement: Three different meditations will prepare you for receiving attunement and hence become an energy channel. These meditation techniques are very beneficial. It will help you in getting rid of your negative energy. Moreover, these techniques will balance your energy levels.
Five Basic Principles of Reiki: After Reiki first degree attunement, you will learn about the Five Basic principles of Reiki. What these basic principles are, their story. Also about how you can incorporate these basic principles in your life once you become a Reiki channel.
Learning about Aura in detail:
- Introduction to the concept of Aura and its significance.
- Watching your own Aura.
- Mapping aura of an individual
- Self aura cleaning and cleaning aura of others
- Special meditation
Learning about 7 Chakras or energy centers of the human body: As the basis of Reiki lies in a smooth flow of cosmic energies and Chakras are the drivers of these cosmic energies. Therefore, a thorough understanding of our energetic system is a must.
Protection Technique: You will learn techniques to protect yourself from negative energies.
21 Days of self-healing: Finally, the most important part, you will do 21 days of Self-healing. The aforesaid self-healing is something that most of us ignore. However, without 21 days of self-healing, Reiki attunement does not serve its purpose. The 21 say self-healing helps you in getting rid of your past energy blocks. It also prepares your aura for positive energies. Once your 21 days of self-healing is complete, then you can start with the Reiki Level 2 Course.
Post level 1, you are ready to charge of your life!
☑️ Health
☑️ Self Awareness
☑️ Wealth
☑️ Success
☑️ Your spiritual path
☑️ Strong memory
☑️ Strong emotional health
So Start Your Healing Journey Today! At FaithHealers, Reiki Level 1 learning with Geeta Sharma is more about experiencing Reiki energies apart from theoretical knowledge. You can feel the energies even during her online classes.
An obvious question that must be coming to your mind, when it comes to learning Reiki online is, that is distant attunement possible?
The distant attunement is as effective as attunement in person. So now nothing should stop you from enrolling yourself for Reiki online course with Geeta! Please watch the videos on Reiki Distant Attunement