Reiki Level 2 course or Reiki Second Degree
Reiki Level 2 course or Reiki Second Degree can be learned after getting attunement for Reiki Level 1 only. Post level 2 attunement with Reiki Grandmaster Geeta Sharma at FaithHealers, you will in reality experience universal energy or cosmic energy very deeply.
- Reiki can be learned online. The distant attunement is very effective. You can watch videos on Reiki Distant attunement here: Reiki Distant Attunement Videos Playlist
- Online Level 2 with Geeta Sharma is conducted via live Zoom classes. In all 5 classes of 2 hrs duration each.
- Reiki Level 1 & Reiki Level 2 combo offers are also available.
Highlights of the Reiki Level 2 Course:
- After initiation with Reiki level 2 symbols, you will experience more power to channelize universal life energy.
- As a matter of fact, after level 2, you can also start healing your near and dear ones.
- As a Reiki practitioner, you will be able to provide distance Reiki healing also. Implying that you can send healing energy to an individual however far he or she is.
Reiki level 2 attunement process involves lots of intensity so at least 21 days of self-healing between receiving the Reiki level 1 and Level 2 attunements is highly recommended. Although, you may come across many Reiki Masters that combine Level 1 and Level 2 into a weekend course.
Reiki expert Geeta Sharma does not recommend back to back, level 1 and 2 weekend workshops.
The framework of the Online Reiki course, level 2 at FaithHealers
- Introduction to level 2 with the main focus on basic understanding of Yantra, Mantra, and Tantra.
- You will learn Two different types of meditations: After practicing healing meditation you can heal your surroundings, your situations, and situations of your near and dear ones. Another is self-counseling meditation. These meditations will prepare your spiritual energy levels for the attunement.
- The attunement will empower you with 3 symbols.
- Use of Three different Reiki Symbols and their significance
- You will also learn Three different healing techniques with Reiki symbols.
Different techniques you will learn using Reiki symbols in the Reiki course:
- Water charging: This technique empowers water with healing properties. Please watch Geeta Sharma water charging video: here
- Memory enhancing technique for students: It enables students to memorize the contents of a book very efficiently. Learning Reiki For Students is very beneficial for improving memory, focus, and better performance in exams.
- Creating protection shield for yourself and for others
- Healing situations with Reiki: Your situations related to work, business, study, career, relationships etc. You can also heal situations for others too.
- Healing relationships: Reiki heals relationships of all kinds, like, with parents, marital, with children, with colleagues, with your superiors, etc. You can also heal past hurtful memories of broken relationships.
- Healing your own or others past, present and your future
- Healing your past life karmas.
- Reiki technique for Safe driving or for driving safely during your journey
- Clearing negative energies from a room and charging the room with positive energies.
- Weight loss technique in the Reiki Healing course with us.
- Making your own Reiki wish box. The wish box empowers you to achieve long term goals. It also enables you to fulfill wishes that are for your higher good.
- Understanding, what are affirmations. Moreover, considerable focus is on creating and using affirmations
- Reiki for Business and Career: Here you will learn, goal achievement healing technique: The aforementioned technique lets you figure out personal and professional goals and further lets you achieve those goals. You will be able to heal your business and career situations also.