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Non Banking Financial Institutions: -

Benefits of Registering as an NBFC on Sansadhan™

For Non-Banking and Financial Co-Operatives, Sansadhan™ is a special type of platform that helps them interact with their potential customers, service providers and business partners.

1. More Customers
  • Advertise your services on a recommended platform used by hundreds of thousands of clients on a daily basis.

2. Enhanced Marketing
  • Make calls from people or companies who need to be financed.

3. Countries Covered
  • Increase your presence when you get out of your immediate locality and reach the unexplored region.

4. Affordable Marketing Strategies
  • Advertise your service through SEO-compliant listings and focused marketing efforts.

5. Areas of Collaboration
  • The first step to developing this further would be to -Seek collaboration with fintech investors and other NBFCs, as they grow together.