Like other appliances, chimneys can encounter a variety of issues over time. Here are some common problems we address:
Blocked Ducts: Accumulation of grease or debris in the chimney duct can block airflow, causing smoke to linger in your kitchen.
Faulty Exhaust Fan: Low-functioning or damaged exhaust fans are not able to exhaust the air, thus proper air circulation is not possible in the kitchen area.
Unusual Noises: Strange sounds from the chimney usually mean that there is a loose part somewhere or it can indicate a motor or a fan malfunction.
Grease Buildup: Grease as well as soot build up over time, making it very difficult for a chimney to be effective.
Electrical Issues: Almost every type of e-wiring or electrical faults such as the control panel are taken care of by us.
Chimney Not Turning On: If there is a broken motor or even a blown fuse, we solve these complications to ensure that it is not very difficult to turn on a chimney.