Key Topics Covered In CSIR NET Geology Coaching

The coaching classes also emphasize other factors to make sure that students prepare themselves adequately:

1. Physical Geology
  • Processes that result in the Earths surface, plate tectonics, and geomorphology.
2. Mineralogy and Petrology
  • Crystal structures, processes of a rock and its formation, and classification.
3. Paleontology
  • Fossils, their evolution, and their geological significance.
4. Structural Geology
  • Rock deformation, folds, faults, and structural mapping.
5. Geophysics
  • Concepts in seismology, gravity and magnetic rocks methods.
6. Stratigraphy
  • Geological time scale, lithostratigraphy, and biostratigraphy.
7. Hydrogeology
  • Groundwater dynamics, aquifers, and water resource management.
8. Economic Geology
  • Areas of mineral resources distribution and exploration.
9. Remote Sensing and GIS
  • Mapping and analysis of geological data.