What is Water Tank Cleaning Service?

Keeping water safe by cleaning and disinfecting storage tanks is necessary for water tank cleaning services. They are available for domestic, commercial, and industrial use in tanks of any size, shape, and material.

Components of Water Tank Cleaning Service

1. Water Tank Inspection:
  • Assesses the tank for visible cracks, leaks and sediments.

2. Water Tank Removal:
  • Water is removed from inside the water tank to allow the tank structure to be cleaned.

3. Water Tank Scrubbing: 
  • Mechanical and physical methods are used to reach clean walls and remove algae from water tanks.

4. Disinfection:
  • The application of harmless chemicals or ultraviolet light in the elimination of bacteria and viruses.

5. Rinsing and Refilling:
  • Confirm the tank is clean and safe to be filled with water before commencing a refill.