Benefits of using Plant Growth Regulators
Plant Growth Regulators are incredibly useful for application in agriculture and horticulture as they provide many advantages from growth to improvement of yields and crop quality. They have been widely employed in the current world of farming modifying the growth of plants to allow the farmer to attain certain production objectives. Some of the benefits of implementing PGRs in agriculture include the following.
1. Enhanced Crop Yield
Another importance of PGRs for biointensive agriculture is that they elevate the production outputs of crops. Some PGRs like gibberellins have a effect of cell elongation subsequently a taller plant with more fruit or flowers is achieved. Also, cytokinins inspire cell replication and may raise branch, flower, or fruit production on a plant. PGRs’ application makes it easy for the plants to grow hence, increase production and better yield.
2. Improved Fruit and Flower Quality
The use of PGRs is most important in the regulation of fruit size, shape, and maturity. For example, auxins may be applied as plant growth regulators to control of pre-harvest fruit drop ensuring fruits remain attached to the plant. Gibberellins are widely prescribed for making fruits such as grapes, citrus, and apples larger. Additionally, ethylene is useful in moderation of the ripening process, fruit ripens at the right time with the right effectiveness on the fruits. In flowers, cytokinins assist with maintenance of turgidity or petal firmness, and delaying the phase of senescence to make flowers subsist longer.
3. Improved Stress Tolerance
Such stresses as drought, heat and salinity are often experienced in the environment under which plants are grown. Some stresses that plants experience include drought, salinity, water logging, extreme temperatures and light, and aucic acid (ABA) is identified to facilitate plants to endure these stresses via operational processes such as closing stomata when there is a drought. Further, ethylene can initiate such stress responsive processes as abscission, enabling plants to shed excess or senescent or damaged or dying leaves or during stress that will minimize the drain on energy sources among other factors. To illustrate, the article reveals that farmers have the possibility to enhance plant resistance and minimize the effects of adverse external conditions owing to PGRs.
4. Faster Germination and Rooting
‘ putting growths (PGRs) like gibberellins, and auxins are relatively efficient in stimulating seed germination and root development. Gibberellins promote seed germination, removes seed dormancy and stimulate the synthesis of enzymes required for germination and it’s faster and uniform. On this regard, auxins can stimulate formation of roots in the cuttings making them important tool in vegetative propagation. Such germination and rooting enhancements can help decrease the overall lifecycle of crops to maturity which will increase efficiency in farming as well as faster turnover.
5. Increased Control Over Plant Growth Patterns
PGRs empower farmers to regulate the physiologic growth of plants. For instance, gibberellins can be applied to increase the stem size in some crops aiding in light interception besides increasing the size of the plant. On the other hand, cytokinins can make the plant bushier, and thus makes the plant stronger and more compact. This level of control enables farmer to ensure plant productivity in accordance with the targeted market requirements, for instance, larger francs, compact plant for ease of handling as well as proper spacing between plants.
6. Efficient Use of Resources
Superimposing of PGRs enable adoption of efficient growth that means less inputs such as water, fertilizers and pesticides would be required. For instance in plants the PGRs aids in can enhance the root structure due to auxins which make the uptake of water and nutrients more efficient. There could be savings and the environment would be enhanced through better farming practices within the industry.
7. Reduced Harvest Losses
Such positive effects include the inhibition of premature fruit ripening and fruit drop hence decreasing post-harvest loss. For instance, the use of ethylene mayripen fruits in the desired rate without any concerns of over ripeness and spoilage . In such fruits as tomatoes, there is an advantage of controlled maturation which means that they can be on the shelf for a longer time before they begin to rot. Moreover, it means that PGRs can lead to healthier crops with less pesticide residues most of which are potentially hazardous to human health.