Courses Offered by the B-School Management Colleges

Courses Offered by the B-School Management Colleges

1. Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
  • An undergraduate course lasting three years which assists students in understanding the basics of management and business.

2. Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  • A graduate program that lasts two years and emphasizes management strategy and subjects such as marketing, finance and human resources.

3. Postgraduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)
  • This course is also known as an equivalent of an MBA but it is only offered by self-governed institutions and focuses solely on a particular sector.

4. Executive MBA
  • This type of course is meant for individuals already engaged in a job and wish to improve upon their managerial capabilities to enable themselves to take on leadership roles.

5. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Management
  • This is only meant for those who are willing to work in an academic setting or up to high-end consulting management.

6. Specialized Management Programs
  • With courses such as digital marketing, project management, and supply chain management many colleges provide short programs.