Key Topics Covered In CSIR NET Geology Coaching

Key Topics Covered In CSIR NET Geology Coaching

The coaching classes also emphasize other factors to make sure that students prepare themselves adequately:

1. Physical Geology
  • Processes that result in the Earths surface, plate tectonics, and geomorphology.
2. Mineralogy and Petrology
  • Crystal structures, processes of a rock and its formation, and classification.
3. Paleontology
  • Fossils, their evolution, and their geological significance.
4. Structural Geology
  • Rock deformation, folds, faults, and structural mapping.
5. Geophysics
  • Concepts in seismology, gravity and magnetic rocks methods.
6. Stratigraphy
  • Geological time scale, lithostratigraphy, and biostratigraphy.
7. Hydrogeology
  • Groundwater dynamics, aquifers, and water resource management.
8. Economic Geology
  • Areas of mineral resources distribution and exploration.
9. Remote Sensing and GIS
  • Mapping and analysis of geological data.