The Different Classes of Nursing Homes

The Different Classes of Nursing Homes

The classes of nursing homes depend on the care required to treat patients for a specific ailment. The types of nursing homes include: 

1. Skilled Nursing Facilities
  • For the treatment of patients recovering from surgery or chronic medical diseases, these homes provide nursing care and other medical assistance. 

2. Assisted Living Facility
  • For basic living activities assistance, these facilities are ideal for patients who require additional care but do not need constant supervision from a doctor.

3. Care of patients suffering from Amnesia
  •  Specialize in caring for patients with Alzheimers, Dementia as well as other affected Cognitive patients. 

4. Caregiving of patients with Palliative and Hospice Conditions
  • Care is offered to patients who are terminally ill. Such patients need support and comfort through their last stages of life. 

5. Short-Term Care Provision 
  • Such care normally is offered to those requiring assistance short term. Most likely to relieve family members who have been caring for them for long.