Topics Covered in Chemical GATE Coaching

Topics Covered in Chemical GATE Coaching

Major Topics: 

1. Chemical Process Calculation: 
  • Material and energy balances stoichiometry.
2. Thermodynamics: 
  • Laws of thermodynamics, phase equilibrium, and chemical reaction equilibrium.
3. Fluid mechanics: 
  • Fluid properties, hydrodynamics, and pump design.
4. Heat Transfer: 
  • Conduction, convection, radiation, and mechanical heat exchangers.
5. Mass Transfer: 
  • Distillation, absorption, extraction, and drying.
6. Chemical Reaction Engineering: 
  • Kinetics, design of reactors, and non-ideal flow.
7. Instrumentation And Process Control: 
  • Control systems, sensors, and process dynamics.
8. Plant Design and Economics: 
  • Equipment design, cost estimation and optimization.
9. Environmental Engineering: 
  • Pollution control, waste management, and sustainability.
10. Mathematics: 
  • Linear algebra, calculus, and numerical methods differential equations.