Types of Specialized Computer Training

Types of Specialized Computer Training

The Various Types of Specialized Computer Training Programs are:

1. Computer Programming and Software Development
  • This involves courses in Python, Java, C++, Django, and Spring Boot.
2. Information System Auditing and Cybersecurity
  • Providing training in ethical hacking, network security, and disaster recovery solutions.
3. Networking and IT Support
  • Server management, CCNAs, and IT troubleshooting form part of this block.
4. Graphic Design and Animation
  • Training in Adobes Photoshop, Illustrator, animation software e.g. Maya, and computer apps, etc.
5. Business Intelligence with Data Science and Analytics
  • Big data tools like Hadoop and high-performance reporting tools like Power BI and Tableau.
6. Cloud Computing
  • Exposure to AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud platforms.
7. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
  • Training on algorithms, designing and applying neural networks, and deployment of AI applications.
8. Computerized Enterprise Resources Planning Systems
  • Training on SAP, Oracle, Microsoft Dynamics, etc.