Why Choose Sociology as an Optional Subject?

Why Choose Sociology as an Optional Subject?

Civil Services Sociology Coaching in Delhi, UPSC Sociology Coaching in Delhi, Best Sociology Coaching for UPSC in Delhi, Top Civil Services 1. Scoring & Concept-Based Subject
  • Conceptual clarity is required over rote memorization.
  • Structured answers & explanations can help the students fetch higher marks.
2. Overlap with General Studies (GS) & Essay Paper
  • Gender, society, poverty, governance, and social justice are basic concepts that are useful in writing GS Paper I & II.
  • Sociology knowledge assists in a better picture of Essays and Ethics answers.
3. No Background Required
  • Nobody needs a prior sociology degree. Concepts are basic and easy to accept.
  • A good number of graduates in science & engineering take up Sociology as an option.
4. Helps In The UPSC Interview (Personality Test)
  • Interpersonal relations and governance issues contribute towards answering the UPSC interview smoothly.
  • For Preparing for UPSC Exams, What Is The Timeframe For Studying Sociology?
5. Short and precise syllabus
  • The sociology syllabus is short and to the point, which makes it easier to complete in 4 to 5 months.