Why Opt for Civil Engineering as an Optional Subject of Your Choice for UPSC?

Why Opt for Civil Engineering as an Optional Subject of Your Choice for UPSC?

1. It is a Technical Subject With High Scoring Potential
  • The questions asked are goal-oriented based on concepts, problems, formulas, etc.
  • It has lesser subjectivity when compared to humanities subjects.
2. There is a Significant Overlap With the Syllabus of the Engineering Services Exam (ESE/IES)
  • For students who are concurrently preparing for ESE, it makes a lot of sense to choose Civil Engineering for the UPSC exam.
  • Civil Engineering also overlaps with GATE and State Engineering Exams. 
3. Permanent and Established Syllabus
  • Once the Civil Engineering syllabus is set by UPSC, there are changes seldom, hence you can prepare better.
4. Very Important for Infrastructure & Development
  • Helpful for IAS aspirants in Urban Planning, Smart Cities, and Public Works.
5. Less Competition Compared To Humanities Subjects
  • Scoring opportunities increase since fewer candidates opt for Civil Engineering.