Why Opt for Civil Engineering as an Optional Subject of Your Choice for UPSC?
1. It is a Technical Subject With High Scoring Potential
- The questions asked are goal-oriented based on concepts, problems, formulas, etc.
- It has lesser subjectivity when compared to humanities subjects.
2. There is a Significant Overlap With the Syllabus of the Engineering Services Exam (ESE/IES)
- For students who are concurrently preparing for ESE, it makes a lot of sense to choose Civil Engineering for the UPSC exam.
- Civil Engineering also overlaps with GATE and State Engineering Exams.
3. Permanent and Established Syllabus
- Once the Civil Engineering syllabus is set by UPSC, there are changes seldom, hence you can prepare better.
4. Very Important for Infrastructure & Development
- Helpful for IAS aspirants in Urban Planning, Smart Cities, and Public Works.
5. Less Competition Compared To Humanities Subjects
- Scoring opportunities increase since fewer candidates opt for Civil Engineering.