Available Types of Cement

Available Types of Cement

Construction projects often require specific varieties of cement to meet their needs. Here are the most popular types:

1. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)
  • Used most commonly in all construction activities.
  • Has different grades that range from 33 to 53 based on the compressive strength.
2. Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC)
  • Having pozzolanic materials like Fly Ash, it is superior in strength and workability.
  • Perfect for water-retaining structures like dams and bridges.
3. Rapid Hardening Cement
  • Strength gain is fast, thus construction time is reduced.
  • Typically used for precast concrete elements as well as for repairing roads.

4. Sulphate-Resistant Cement
Used in places where there is high sulphate content in soil or water.

5. White Cement
Used in surfaces that require an aesthetic appeal such as tiles grouting and decorative finishes.

6. Low Heat Cement
Used in constructions thatgenerate high temperatures during hydration, e.g., installation of Dams.