Challenges Faced by Universities in Promoting Courses
It is a common occurrence that Universities fail to retain a certain number of students or fail to reach out to students who are inclined towards enrolling.
1. Intense Competition
- There are so many institutions offering very similar degrees or courses and finding an edge is difficult.
2. Limited Visibility
- In some instances or due to the lack of a strong network reaching out to students outside of ones vicinity or even to students residing in other states can be quite a task.
3. Changing Aspirations
- An increasing number of students are able to exercise their choices and with that, they are looking for more flexible and interdisciplinary programs.
4. High Marketing Costs
- Adverts are perhaps the costliest means of outreach and even then they never are tailored to the right target audience and therefore tend to be unsuitable.
5. Student Retention
- Which students remain enrolled and who drop out is usually a matter of great concern as education institutes are struggling to engage students.