Non Banking Financial Institutions in Delhi
All IndiaNon-banking financial institutions, NBFIs, Financial services, Microfinance institutions, Loan providers, Investment firms, Asset management, Insurance services...
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Non Banking Financial Institutions: -
- Unsecured loans for personal uses such as weddings, education, and emergencies.
- These institutions grant loans for the acquisition of cars, machinery or any assets.
- These institutions deposit money to the rural and semi-urban societies making financial inclusion possible.
- These institutions provide home loans to individuals and developers for house purchases and property development.
- The institutions can assist small and medium enterprises in business expansion by advancing their working capital and term loans.
- Provide finance for infrastructure development, real estate projects, and renewable energy projects.
- Provide portfolio management, wealth management and investment planning services.
- Assist company purchase of assets on lease hire without committing to a one-off payment.